Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Five Things You Probably Don't Know About Vemma

If you happen to be looking into working for yourself, then you may be familiar with about a business called  Vemma. There is a ton of information currently about Vemma, however some of it is not accurate. Understanding the company, their products and their internet business opportunity happens to be easy. Essentially, they produce a line of nutrition and fitness products and also have an opportunity for you to start one's own business by helping promote these items. So let's discuss the 5 most commonly misunderstood things about Vemma.

Fact One - Vemma Is Not a Fruit Juice

Vemma's main product is a liquid multivitamin known as Vemma. It's supposed to be taken once a day as a supplement. It's not merely a beverages or something. It was produced by a professional physician named Yibing Wang, M.D., Ph.D. Like you wouldn't sit watching television while chowing down on a basket of   vitamins, you're not meant to drink Vemma as some type of snack throughout the day. They actually do sell a healthy energy drink called Verve. I would still point out that an energy drink is different than soft drink .

Fact Two - You Can Start a Business With Vemma

For some reason a lot of people think that Vemma will hire you to work as some type of employee who promotest their products. This couldn't be further from the truth. In realtiy, they offers individuals who use their products an opportunity to earn money by helping to promote them. Should you think that you wish to do this, you are an independent entrepreneur. You don't work for them, you don't have office hours or have some form of minimum sales quota.
They don't let you go should you don't sell enough products. You choose to work as much or as little as you need. You're failure or success is totally founded upon your own efforts.

Fact 3 - Vemma Is Not A Cure For Anything.

Sometimes people have heard stories of people who say that taking Vemma helped to improve their health. This may be true, but Vemma is not a drug and is not a cure for anything. Let me repeat, Vemma does not - and has never claimed- to cure anything at all. Vemma signature product is a liquid multi-vitamin named Vemma. Its content has vitamins, minerals and anti-oxidants. The truth is, the name Vemma stands for Vitamins, Essential Minerals, Mangostean and Aloe. So I supposed if perhaps you were suffering from a vitamin deficit, then it would help that. However, Vemma is not a cure for anything.

Fact 4 - You Don't Have To Invest Any Money To Join Vemma

It's a misconception I've heard a lot online. It’s also, entirely not the case. From the very start, Vemma determined that rather than spend money on advertising, they would do things somewhat differently. Instead they take those dollars and invite folks who use their goods to receive money to help market them. The way it works, is you join on the corporation's website as a Brand Partner. Then in case you inform people about their products (and they buy something), you've made a commission. It costs not anything to be a brand partner. You don't have to invest anything, there won't be any registration charges and there are no monthly program fees becoming a brand partner.

Fact 5 - Vemma is an Award-Winning Company with a Stealar Reputation.

Vemma is not a scam. It's completely legit. Pyramid scheme are against the law and require people earning cash without the need for products being involved. Vemma sells a line wellness and nutritional items. They have been around in business for over nine years and have sold in excess of a billion dollars worth of items. They are in over 50 nations and Verve (made by Vemma) is the official energy drink of the Phoenix Suns and Charlotte Bobcats. Their work is completely legal. They even have confidence in their products so much that they offer a 30-day cash back guarantee on anything they sell. If Vemma was some sort of con or fraud, they likely won't provide you with a refund if you were disappointed with their products.

Monday, June 10, 2013

Energy Drinks For Free- Is Verve Really Healthier Than Other Drinks?

If you are like lots of people, you could want some extra energy to get you through the day. Actually, hundreds of thousands of People in America use sugary carbonated drinks and caffeine-loaded energy drinks to help them through their workweek. Energy drinks have become increasing in common since their invention in the late 90’s. According to Wikipedia, energy drinks are a $5 billion+ marketplace just in the US . Geez, that’s a whole lot of caffeine folks are having. Having energy drinks which have been high in sugar and not much on nutrition can certainly result in you feeling fatigued, . Vemma  made a decision to find a solution by putting together a healthy alternative.
Verve  (made in Arizona) states that they are the very best energy drink that you can purchase. Let's take a closer look and see how Verve compares to other energy drinks.

How's It Produced

The majority of energy drinks are packaged in aluminum can. To try to make Verve Energy drink even healthier, they added an important layer of protection. Nearly all energy drinks are produced hot, and added straight into cans. Placing hot liquid to aluminum cans is known to release carcinogens in the cans into the liquid. A lot of people believe that Aluminum could be a contributing aspect to Alzheimer's. To avoid this, Verve is “cold-filled” straight into the cans at a cool 30 degrees.

The Ingredients

From the beginning, Verve was designed to be  healthier than other energy drinks. How is this done? Verve is infused with Vemma multivitamin formula. This will give you vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. In actual fact, Verve energy drink contains very high level of antioxidants of any energy drink. And it’s all packaged in a yummy bundle. To get the nutritional value of a single can of Verve, you’d need to eat:
  • 5 large potatoes to equal the amount of Niacin
  • 2 oranges to equal the amount of Vitamin C
  • 9 avocados to equal the amount of Vitamin E
  • 2 large watermelons to equal the amount of Vitamin B-6
  • 3 stalks of broccoli to equal the amount of Iron
  • 17 oz. of cherries to equal the amount of ORAC value
  • 55 eggs to equal the amount of Vitamin D
  • 1 cup of spinach to equal the amount of Vitamin A
  • 19 medium bananas to equal the amount of Riboflavin
  • 62 oz. of cheddar cheese to equal the amount of Vitamin B-12
  • 61 cups of tomatoes to equal the amount of Folate
  • 3 cups of peas to equal the amount of Thiamine
  • 2 large watermelons to equal the amount of Vitamin B-6
  • 17 oz. of cherries to equal the amount of ORAC value
  • 37 medium mushrooms to equal the amount of Pantothenic Acid

In Conclusion

It’s correct that not every energy drinks are comparable and several are far healthier  than the others. Which  is the most nutritious one for you to drink? If healthier ingredients , less sugar, less carbohydrates, high levels of multivitamins and plenty of antioxidants are important to you, Verve should be your drink of choice. Learn more.